What Can I Study?
Before beginning to determine which U of T faculty is the best fit for your intended studies, please review the English language requirements for exchange at U of T.
What you can study while on exchange at U of T largely depends on which faculty you are admitted to. Below you will find details about eligibility, academic options and restrictions, and application requirements by U of T faculty. All graduate-level exchange students should be nominated to the School of Graduate Studies.

The Arctic University of Norway, Academy of Arts
Country: Norway
Level(s) of Study: Undergraduate, Graduate
The John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design at the University of Toronto (Daniels Faculty) offers unique undergraduate programs that use architectural studies and visual studies as a lens through which students may pursue a broad, liberal arts-based education.
Undergraduate Studies
There are two programs of undergraduate studies within the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design: Architectural Studies and Visual Studies. Students interested in applying for exchange in either of these programs should be aware that some courses (including upper year studio courses) may not be open to exchange students. Students applying for inbound exchange are strongly encouraged to research courses they are interested in completing, prior to applying for exchange. These courses should be indicated in the application.
Graduate Studies
If you wish to apply for a graduate exchange at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, you must be currently enrolled in a similar program at your home institution. Exchange students interested in studying at the Daniels Faculty at the graduate level should review the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) exchange information.
St. GeorgeContact(s)
CIE Inbound Exchange
Undergraduate: Daniels Faculty requires a minimum CGPA equivalent to 2.7 on a 4.0 scale.
Graduate: Daniels Faculty requires a minimum CGPA equivalent to 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
Inbound graduate exchange students need to have at least completed a year in their home institution before they can apply to join Daniels as a graduate exchange student. Year 1 students can apply during their first year for an exchange from Year 2. Inbound exchange graduate students cannot take UG courses. This is on the Inbound Exchange FAQ page.
For MArch/MLA applicants, your home institute graduate program needs to be professionally accredited, as both the MArch and MLA graduate programs at Daniels are professional accredited programs.
Undergraduate Restrictions
Entry into undergraduate studio courses (ARC100H1, JAV101H1, ARC200H1, ARC201H1, ARC361Y1, ARC362Y1, ARC363Y1, ARC364Y1, ARC380Y1, ARC381Y2, and/or any VIS course) is strongly dependent on space and the strength of your One Idea supplementary application (deadlines on this website do not apply to exchange students. All documents for exchange students need to be submitted by the exchange application deadline). Exchange students interested in taking JAV130H1 must either complete JAV120H1 first or provide a course syllabus for a course that you have completed equivalent to JAV120H1.
Graduate Restrictions
All graduate programs within the Daniels Faculty, except for those in Forestry, are cohort-based, meaning students in these programs are treated as a group. The courses they take each term are mostly the same as others in their cohort. When applying for graduate level exchange at the Daniels Faculty, you should expect to take all of your courses from within one program, one stream, and one year of study. You can view our program charts here. Some exceptions to this may be possible on a case-by-case basis.
After you have been nominated by your home institution, you will be invited to apply for exchange at U of T via our Mobility Online portal. The Daniels Faculty requires the following documents:
Undergraduate Requirements
Student applicants must submit:
* All student documents must be submitted in PDF (Word or other forms will not be accepted).
- Statement of interest (1-2 pages maximum) explaining why you would like to study at the Daniels Faculty at the University of Toronto.
- Course descriptions: A typed chart/list that briefly details all post-secondary courses you have/will complete before coming to the University of Toronto. The chart/list should include course titles and a short description or list of the main topics covered in each course (copying and pasting from a course calendar/syllabus is fine). For studio courses, samples of past work may be required. The samples should be submitted as one PDF file (100 MB or less, total PDF file size).
- A list of Daniels Faculty courses you are interested in taking – please make sure that these align with the semester in which your exchange will take place.
- A One Idea Supplementary Application Submission (see instructions below): Please submit your One Idea Supplementary Application as one PDF file (100 MB or less, total PDF file size).
*One Idea Supplementary Application
Part 1: Essay Response
Choose one of the four questions to answer. Prepare a written response (between 250 and 650 words).
We are interested in how you will pursue your intellectual interests and apply your personal experience, background, and future goals to studies in our programs. This is the opportunity for us to hear your voice, and to help us envision what you will bring to the Daniels Faculty. In fact, we are not looking for one idea, but many.
The Questions (Choose only one to answer):
- Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, please tell us how this influences your work.
- Describe a time you were surprised by how much you learned in the process of researching new ideas or learning new skills. What was it about the process that was rewarding and how can you apply what you’ve learned to your future endeavours?
- Describe a moment when you were able to help another person or persons. How has this experience impacted your understanding of social relations?
- The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to shaping our outlook on future challenges. How will you use your previous experiences to creatively reorient your approach to new problems?
Part 2: Images
Select four to six of your own images to include in your submission. This means single images – if one work is an integrated diptych or triptych, then that counts as one image and should remain whole – but do not include a sheet of thumbnail images. For each item submitted, you will be required to provide information on the title, medium used, the original size of the artwork, date of completion, and please specify if the work was done as a school assignment or not. Please submit images that are entirely your own creative work.
Other than what is required in the point above, do not add any extra or additional writing on the documentation of the visual images (i.e. no explanations, etc.). This is your opportunity to share some images of your own creative work in a limited capacity. Submission of images will be used in gauging suitability for upper year and studio courses.
Partner institution staff must submit:
* All partner documents must be submitted in PDF (Word or other forms will not be accepted).
- Academic transcripts of all previous post-secondary studies
- English language test, if applicable: Please refer to our English language requirement page for details.
Graduate Requirements
Student applicants must submit:
* All student documents must be submitted in PDF (Word or other forms will not be accepted).
- Statement of interest (1-2 pages maximum) explaining why you would like to study at the Daniels Faculty at the University of Toronto. Please also include the program and year of study you are interested in.
- Course descriptions: A typed chart/list that briefly details all post-secondary courses you have/will complete before coming to the University of Toronto. The chart/list should include course titles and a short description or list of the main topics covered in each course (copying and pasting from a course calendar/syllabus is fine).
- A portfolio including three to five samples/projects documenting your creative ability. Please submit your portfolio as one PDF file (100 MB or less, total PDF file size).
Partner institution staff must submit:
* All partner documents must be submitted in PDF (Word or other forms will not be accepted).
- Academic transcripts of all previous post-secondary studies
- English language test, if applicable: Please refer to our English language requirement page for details.
The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) is the gateway to all graduate programs at the University of Toronto. U of T offers approximately 300 graduate programs covering nearly 400 areas of study. Any exchange student wanting to do graduate-level course work or research at any faculty or department at U of T must apply to SGS.
Option ONE: Research only
If you intend to do research only while on exchange at U of T, your admission will be granted through the International Visiting Graduate Research (IVGS) program. All IVGS placements begin with a key relationship: students need to find a qualified supervisor willing to oversee their research. Once a U of T supervisor has been established, the application can begin. Please visit the IVGS program page for details on finding a faculty supervisor and application instructions.
After you have been admitted, please email your admission letter to inbound.exchange@utoronto.ca. If you have been nominated for exchange by your home institution, we will apply a fee-waiver for the IVGS fees.
For questions pertaining to the IVGS program, please contact sgs.international@utoronto.ca.
Option TWO: Full-time course work for credit
The eligibility, restrictions, and application information below pertains to exchange students wanting to do graduate course-work at U of T. Please note that graduate exchange applications are considered on an individual basis by each graduate unit. Meeting the minimum eligibility does not guarantee admission. If your application is not accepted by a graduate unit, we do our best to find an alternative option for you, including coming as an undergraduate student instead.
Most graduate programs are located on the St. George (downtown) campus, with the exception of the Institute of Management & Innovation Program, which is at our Mississauga (UTM) campus hosting a number of graduate programs.Campus(es)
St. GeorgeContact(s)
CIE Inbound Exchange
Graduate exchange students doing course work while on exchange need to be registered in the equivalent of a full-time course load, as defined by the graduate unit/department.
To apply for graduate exchange course work at U of T, you must be enrolled in, or admitted to, a similar graduate program at your home institution. You also need to have achieved a mid-B average in the final year of your undergraduate studies. To confirm whether your degree meets the SGS minimum requirements, please use the International Credentials Equivalencies tool.
Before applying for exchange, you need to determine the graduate unit (department, faculty, or centre) and/or program that offers the courses you would like to take at U of T. You will take all/most of your courses from one “home” department. You cannot have a collaborative specialization (CS) as your home department.
STEP ONE: Use this list to determine the area of study that best matches your program of study at your home institution.
STEP TWO: Click on the program link to find the link to the departmental website.
STEP THREE: Use the departmental website to find graduate courses offered by the department.
STEP FOUR: Include your desired home department/program in your Statement of Intent when applying. Your desired home department should match the list of courses you submit in your application.
*The Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy has three distinct programs that graduate students can apply to:
- Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (link to courses: https://munkschool.utoronto.ca/ceres/)
- Master of Global Affairs program (link to courses: https://munkschool.utoronto.ca/mga/courses/mga-courses)
- Master of Public Policy program (link to courses: https://munkschool.utoronto.ca/publicpolicy/programs/master-of-public-policy-program/mpp-courses/)
You can only apply to one of these programs for your exchange. When you are submitting your application, please make sure to indicate which program that you are applying for in your proposed course list.
Any graduate programs offered by the following faculties/departments are not open to exchange students:
- Cinema Studies Institute
- Department of Anthropology
- Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development (APHD) (at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education – OISE)
- Department of Cell and Systems Biology
- Department of English
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
- Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Department of Physical Therapy
- Department of Physiology
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Social Justice Education (SJE) at OISE
- Financial Insurance [Statistical Sciences]
- Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME)
- Institute for Management & Innovation
- Institute of Biomedical Engineering
- Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
The following programs, including Progressive Professional Programs, are not open to exchange students:
- Master of Teaching (MT)
- Master of Law (LLM)
- Master of Financial Economics (MFE)
- Master of Finance (MFin)
- Master of Mathematical Finance (MMF)
- Master of Financial Risk Management (MFRM)
- Master of Arts in Psychological Clinical Science (at UTSC)
- Master of Accounting and Finance (MAccFin at UTSC)
- Master of Management & Professional Accounting (at UTM)
*The Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology only admits full-year exchange students (one term applications will not be considered).
*Master of Business Administration (MBA): Rotman School of Management operates its own MBA exchange program. Please consult their website for more information.
After you have been nominated by your home institution, you will be invited to apply for exchange at U of T via our Mobility Online portal. The School of Graduate Studies requires the following documents:
Student applicants must submit:
* All student documents must be submitted in PDF (Word or other forms will not be accepted).
- Statement of interest (1-2 pages)
- Course descriptions: A typed chart/list that briefly details all post-secondary courses you have/will complete before coming to the University of Toronto. The chart/list should include course titles and a short description or list of the main topics covered in each course (copying and pasting from a course calendar/syllabus is fine).
- CV or Resume
- Proposed course List – A list of U of T graduate courses you are interested in taking while on exchange
- Applicants should provide their home institution’s exchange office with English language test results, if applicable. Please refer to our English language requirement page for details.
Additional material for Faculty of Music
- For Performance applicants: At this URL, Faculty of Music audition/interview requirements from the drop down menu, applicants choose the appropriate program (instrument) and degree and scroll to the bottom of the page to find the repertoire guidelines under “Audition Requirements”. Applicants would have to provide the URL for each recording.
- For Composition applicants: A composition portfolio of three to five works for a variety of media, including some with moderately large instrumentation and some sustained movements of five minutes or more. The portfolio should contain scores, and recordings when available. Hard copies of the composition may be uploaded as a pdf document through the Exchange Portal; the URL should be provided for any recordings.
Additional material for Daniel’s Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design
A portfolio including three to five samples/projects documenting your creative ability. Please submit your portfolio as one PDF file (100 MB or less, total PDF file size).
Partner institution staff must submit:
* All partner documents must be submitted in PDF (Word or other forms will not be accepted).
- Academic transcripts of all previous post-secondary study. Admission is based primarily on undergraduate grades.
- Confirmation of completion of an undergraduate degree OR confirmation of admission to a graduate program
- Two academic reference letters
- English language test, if applicable: Please refer to our English language requirement page for details.