
About Global Classrooms

U of T is committed to student access to global learning through curricular and co-curricular experiences. Students now have expanded course, research and professional experiences available through learning abroad. The University has increased needs-based funding to reduce barriers and increase access. On campus students can participate in the Global Citizen co-curricular project and complete a Global Scholar concentration within their program. The next step in global learning is the Global Classrooms approach.

Global Classrooms (GC) offer an accessible way to internationalize teaching and learning experiences by combining cross-cultural collaborations with technology. Additionally, they enable faculty and instructors to work closely with peers abroad. GCs benefit students and organizations in participating regions by offering a cost-effective complement to student mobility, as well as creating pathways to international exchange and study abroad. The goal is to leverage existing technology and strengths within the GC collaboration. The nomenclature of “Global Classroom” is intentionally open to allow for variations and approaches that are discipline, regional, and challenge specific.

Global Classrooms: Staff/Faculty

Whether exploring the idea of developing a Global Classroom, or looking for innovative tools to bring into your existing GC, this hub provides information and resources for Global Classrooms of all scopes and sizes.

Global Classrooms: Students

Interested in increasing your global fluencies and broadening your understanding of your course material? Students are able to view courses that will be Global Classrooms in the upcoming terms, and view courses that have previously been Global Classrooms.

Global Learning Case Competition (GLCC)

The University of Toronto was proud to host the third annual virtual Global Learning Case Competition from Feb 21-23, 2023.  This competition brings together students in teams of 4 from UofT and universities across the world to reimagine global learning through the lens of global challenges.  Details about our fourth annual virtual Global Learning Case Competition in 2024 will be posted soon!

Summer Internship: TEAMWORK

The University of Toronto has engaged with top universities around the globe, to offer a unique opportunity to deliver a 4-week unpaid internship that will help you boost your employability on the global work market.