Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers is a prestigious engineering school. It has trained over 85,000 engineers since its foundation in 1780. Arts et Métiers has been committed to meeting constantly evolving industrial challenges and societal issues.
Summer Research Credit
Applied Science and Engineering: There are 2 options. Please indicate which option you are pursuing in the Study Plan section of the Learning Abroad application. (1) Students may pursue research on not-for-credit basis. Students will pay incidental fees but no tuition fee with this option. Students can apply the summer research hours towards their degree requirements. There will be no transcript issued by the host institution. (2) Students may enroll in an APS299Y0 course while on exchange and obtain credit for this research experience. Please check with your department to see if you are eligible to enroll in APS299Y0. Students pay U of T tuition while on exchange.
Research Projects: Projects 1-2, Project 3, Project 4.
Housing: TBC
Funding: Students applying to Arts et Métiers for 12 weeks should also apply for Globalink Research Award. Successful GRA applicants will not be considered for $3000 CIE funding and IE Award because the GRA amount is greater of the two.
Learn more about the Summer Research Exchange Program.