
Consider before you go abroad:

From a week-long to a year-long program, there are experiences that vary in length and calendar timelines which you can choose from. How much time should you spend abroad? A summer, a semester, or a full year?

Some programs are only available for a full academic year or just during summer; others have semester dates that don’t match up smoothly with U of T.

Consider how much time you can realistically spend abroad. This will depend partly on your finances, partly on your academic program and partly on your personality and family circumstances.

If you are registered as a U of T student, you will be eligible for loans, scholarships, and bursaries available to U of T students, including government assistance such as OSAP (refer below) and other provincial, territorial or federal loan programs.

U of T offers a variety of scholarships and bursaries that can provide students with the opportunity to go abroad, despite financial difficulties. Check out the Funding page to see financial support available through the Centre for International Experience (CIE), your college, faculty, and external options.

Your learning abroad program may or may not offer housing and residency.

The process to arrange housing and the standard of the accommodation may differ by location.

It is important to do research on the housing options from the program of your interest, as well as their costs and arrangement procedures.

Many institutions offer assistance and you may also consider private sector housing.

While you are abroad, the U of T wants to make sure that you are safe.

All students going abroad with the U of T are required to complete the Safety Abroad requirements prior to their departure.

Religious Diversity / LGBTQ rights and issues / Women and Gender Issues / Ethno- Cultural diversity

Intercultural Learning Programme (ILP) Uoft, GAC cultural