Science Abroad allows science students to complete a research course at one of several prestigious research facilities located overseas. Students will collaborate with colleagues from other countries, and explore problems of a global nature. Through this experiential learning process, students will have the chance to relate their academic studies to real-world lab situations, while also earning course credit that will count towards their degree requirements.
Science Abroad
Country(ies): TaiwanCity: Multiple cities
Institution: University
Accepting Applications: YesTimeline: Summer
Run By: Other U of T Department
For Credit: Yes
Language of Study: EnglishLevel of Study: Undergrad
Subjects Available at Host: International Research Project in Human Biology
Program Type: Research
Tuition & Incidentals: Paid to Summer Abroad
Program Fees: Program fees paid to Summer Abroad
Funding: Summer Abroad Bursaries
Schools/Faculties: AllRequirements: At least 8.5 FCEs and other requirements specific to each country opportunity