Exchange: Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)

Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) is South Korea’s first and top research university for science and technology. As the gateway to advanced science and technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship, KAIST’s graduates have been key players behind Korea’s innovation, greatly contributing to the science and technology advances of Korea. Its Main and IT convergence campuses are located in Daejeon, often referred to as South Korea’s “Silicon Valley,” KAIST offers the best access to the country’s leading research institutes and technological companies. Additionally, its Business School is located in Seoul, the bustling heart of Korea, offering students exposure to the dynamic business environment of Korea. Read more about KAIST’s campus life and student services on KAIST website.  

Credit Equivalency: 33 KAIST Credits = 5.0 UofT FCE 

Available Courses: Check here. 

Restrictions: Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering 

Housing: On-campus housing is guaranteed. Please find more information here. 



Country(ies): South Korea
City: Daejeon
Institution: University


Accepting Applications: Yes
Timeline: Fall (Sep-Dec), Winter (Mar-Jun), Year-long (Sep-Jun)
Run By: CIE
For Credit: Yes

Deadlines: Fall/Full Year Deadline: January 15, 2025
Winter Deadline: April 2, 2025


Language of Study: English
Level of Study: Undergrad, Graduate
Subjects Available at Host: All
Program Type: Study
Tuition & Incidentals: Paid to UofT
Program Fees: No fee
Funding: IE Award


Schools/Faculties: All
Requirements: Minimum CGPA: 3.0 (Undergraduates) or B (Graduates)